OVERVIEWLast updated: 20-01-2023

Kyanda API merchant service is engineered to create simple APIs that perform multiple complex functions. From a single payment APIs that make payments to mobile wallets, banks and cards to single Utility Vending that allows Bill Payments across multiple Telco’s and multiple digital service providers.


Sandbox Endpoint http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030


Building great products. We abstract all the complexity and present easy-to-integrate APIs for you.


Standard Request Headers

The standard request headers needed when authenticating with the API across all requests are:

Content-Type The content type of the payload: application/json
apiKey This Key is generated upon registration.


i. Check Account Balance

This Request fetches the Available Account Balances in the Payment and Billing platform.

Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters:

MerchantID This identifies the Merchant making use of the Payment and Billing platform.
signature A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant. Build a string of concatenated values of the request fields with the following order:


The resulting string is then signed with the Key Provided upon registration.

    Example Request:

    POST http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030/billing/v1/account-balance HTTP/1.1
    Host:  {GatewayBaseURL}
    apiKey: {api-key}
    Content-Type: application/json
    Sample Response:
          "Account_Bal" :399930,
          "Earnings_Bal" :1586.6


For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.

ii. Check Transaction Status.

This is a quick way to check whether the status of the Pending transaction.

Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters:
MerchantID The content type of the payload:
transactionRef This is the Merchant reference returned after a request has been posted on the payment and Billing platform.
signature A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant. Build a string of concatenated values of the request fields with the following order:

MerchantID+ transactionRef

The resulting string is then signed with the Key Provided upon registration.

    Example Request:
    POST http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030/billing/v1/transaction-check HTTP/1.1
    Host:  {GatewayBaseURL}
    apiKey: {api-key}
    Content-Type: application/json
    Sample Response:
     "details" : {
       "Amount": "50",
       "Phone": "0747779233",
       "Posted_Time": "05-11-2021 9:19 am",
       "Status": "Success",
       "Telco": "jtl",
       "timestamp": 16207153974638



iii. Telco Check.

This is a quick way to check the Telco.

Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters:
MerchantID This identifies the Merchant doing Telco Check
Prefix This is the Merchant reference returned after a request has been posted.
signature A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant.

    "MerchantID": "",
    "prefix": "722",
    "signature": "" //sign only the merchant ID, similar to check balance API


For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.


Payment Collection, Bank & Mobile Wallet Payout.


This API allows you to send payments from your Payment Wallet to mobile subscribers with the following Mobile Wallet Channels available in Kenya.

  1. MPESA
Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters

MerchantID The content type of the payload: application/json
initiatorName The First and Last Name of the Initiator in one string. ie. John Doe
initiatorCountry The country the initiator is currently based in. ie. Germany
destinationPhone Phone Number of the Recipient beginning with 07. Must be 10 Digits. Eg 0715330000
amount Amount that the recipient is expected to receive. ie 1500
channel The channel the payment will be made from. It can either be the following: MPESA, AIRTEL, EQUITEL

A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant. Build a string of concatenated values of the request fields. In this case, use the following order:


Example Concatenated String:

15000715330000John DoeGermanyMPESAkyanda

The resulting string is then signed with the Security Key provided/generated upon registration.

Sample Signature generated from the above Concatenated String:


   Example Request:

   POST http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030/billing/v3/mobile-payout/create HTTP/1.1
   Host:  {GatewayBaseURL}
   apiKey: {api-key}
   Content-Type: application/json
       "initiatorName":"John Doe",
       "initiatorCountry": "Germany"

         "amount": "1500",



   Sample Response

          "status": "Pending", 
          "status_code": "200", 
          "merchant_reference": "KYAAPI677833", 
          "transactiontxt": "Request accepted for processing!" 


For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.

Once the request has been posted, we shall send an IPN/Callback to the registered URL with the format below.

   Example Success IPN/Callback

       "category": "MobilePayout",
       "source": "0715330000",
       "destination": "0715330000",
       "MerchantID": "kyanda",
		"biller_Receipt": "WSA2639191930300",
		"Telco Reference": "RA1388393",
		"CustomerName": ""
	"requestMetadata": {},
	"status": "Success",
	"status_code": "0000",
	"message": "Your request has been processed successfully.",
	"transactionDate": "23-09-2023 11.20am",
	"transactionRef": "KYA1234219488",
	"Amount": "100"



This API allows transfer of funds from your Payment wallet to Bank accounts within Kenya.

Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters
MerchantID This identifies the Merchant making use of the Payment and Billing platform.
initiatorName The First and Last Name of the Initiator in one string. ie John Doe
initiatorCountry The country the initiator is currently based in. ie. Germany
name The First and Last Name of the associated with the Bank Account in one string. eg Harry Kessy
accountNumber Bank Account Number. eg 2042581154
phoneNumber Phone Number of the Recipient beginning with 07. Must be 10 Digits. Eg 0715330000
amount Amount that the recipient is expected to receive. ie 1500
bankCode 3-Digit code for the Bank, well listed in the Bank Codes Section below. eg 101

A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant. Build a string of concatenated values of the request fields. In this case, use the following order:


Example Concatenated String:

150020425811540715330000101John DoeGermanykyanda

The resulting string is then signed with the Security Key provided/generated upon registration.

Sample Signature generated from the above Concatenated String:


Bank Codes

Bank Name Kyanda Code
Absa Bank 101
Co-operative Bank 102
Equity Bank(K) 103
Family Bank 104
KCB Bank Kenya (K) 105
Standard Chartered Bank (K) 106
ABC Bank 107
I & M Bank (K) 108
HF Group 109
Ecobank (K) 110
Habib Bank A.G. Zurich 111
NCBA Bank(K) 112
Stanbic Bank 113
Sidian Bank 114
Rafiki Microfinance Bank 115
Spire Bank 116
First Community Bank 117
Access Bank (K) 118
Diamond Trust Bank (K) 119
DIB Kenya Bank 120
Development Bank 121
Citibank N.A. 122
Bank of Baroda (K) 123
Bank of Africa (K) 124
Faulu Micro-Finance Bank 125
Credit Bank 126
Choice Microfinance Bank 127
Consolidated Bank 128
Caritas Microfinance Bank 129
Kenya Women Microfinance Bank 130
Mayfair Bank 131
Kingdom Bank 132
National Bank of Kenya 133
Middle East Bank (K) 134
Paramount Universal Bank 135
Prime Bank 136
Postbank 137
SBM Bank (K) 138
Victoria Commercial bank 139
UBA Kenya Bank 140
Salaam Microfinance Bank 141
M Oriental Bank (K) 142
Gulf African Bank 143
Guaranty Trust Bank (K) 144
Guardian Bank 145
Bank of India(K) 146

   Example Request:

   POST http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030/billing/v3/bank-payout/create HTTP/1.1
   Host:  {GatewayBaseURL}
   apiKey: {api-key}
   Content-Type: application/json

      "initiatorName":"John Doe",
      "initiatorCountry": "Germany"

      "name":"Harry Kessy",
      "amount": "1500",



   Sample Response

      "status": "Pending", 
      "status_code": "200", 
      "merchant_reference": "KYAAPI677833", 
      "transactiontxt": "Request accepted for processing!" 



For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.

Once the request has been posted, we shall send an IPN/Callback to the registered URL

i. Mobile Checkout

Mobile checkout API allows you to initiate a Consumer to Business transaction on a Mobile subscriber’s device. Once initiated, the Subscriber will only need to authorize the payment.

Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters
MerchantID This identifies the Merchant making use of the Payment and Billing platform.
phoneNumber Phone Number of the Recipient beginning with 07. Must be 10 Digits. Eg 0715330000
amount Amount that the recipient is expected to receive. ie 1500
channel The channel the payment will be made from. It can either be the following: MPESA, AIRTEL, EQUITEL
metadata A map of any metadata you would like us to associate with the request. You can use this field to pass Account details, Payment reasons, or any other details that will assist to process the payment. -It will be included in the Instant Payment Notification once the subscriber completes the mobile checkout request.

A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant. Build a string of concatenated values of the request fields. In this case, use the following order:


Example Concatenated String:


The resulting string is then signed with the Security Key provided/generated upon registration.

Sample Signature generated from the above Concatenated String:


   Example Request:

   POST http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030/billing/v1/checkout/create HTTP/1.1
   Host:  {GatewayBaseURL}
   apiKey: {api-key}
   Content-Type: application/json
       "amount": "1500",
       "channel": "MPESA",

   Sample Response

        "status": "Pending",
        "status_code": "200",
        "merchant_reference": "KYAAPI677833",
        "transactiontxt": "Request accepted for processing!"


For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.

Once the request has been posted, we shall send an IPN/Callback to the registered URL with the below format.

   Example Success IPN/Callback

       "category": "MpesaPayment",
       "source": "0715330000",
       "Phone": "0715330000",
       "MerchantID": "kyanda",
		"one": "Biller Receipt No: RA124646488" ,
		"two": "Kyanda Reference: KYA193838833S"
	"Status": "Success",
	"status_code": "0000",
	"message": "Your request has been processed successfully.",
	"Posted_Time": "23-09-2023 11.20am",
	"transactionRef": "KYA193838833S",
	"Amount": "100"



This endpoint facilitates seamless money transfers between Saccos, banks, and fintech platforms, enabling secure and efficient transactions among various financial entities

Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters

sender_party (Sender Account Number) - The account number of the sender.
recipient_party (Recipient Account Number) - The account number of the recipient.
sender_channel (Sender Account Code) - The code associated with the sender's account.
recipient_channel (Recipient Account Code) - The code associated with the recipient's account.
sender_curr The currency of the sender's account.
recipient_curr The currency of the recipient's account.
amount The amount to be transferred.
description A brief description of the transaction.

   Example Request:

   POST http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030/v1/transaction/transact-link
   Host:  {GatewayBaseURL}
   apiKey: {api-key}
   Content-Type: application/json
      "sender_party": "*****0001",
      "recipient_party": "*****0002",:
	   "sender_channel": "112",
        "recipient_channel": "103",
	    "sender_curr": "KSH",
        "recipient_curr": "KSH",
         "amount": "10",
         "description": "Test"



   Sample Response

          "statuscode": 200, 
          "ref": "KUPI638346AB84", 
          "status": "Transfer of Ksh.1 from *****0001 to *****0002 is being processed. Kindly await confirmation message." 

Account Codes

Prefix Example
Bank 101
Fintech 201
Sacco 301


For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.

Once the request has been posted, we shall send an IPN/Callback to the registered URL with the format below.

E. B2B
i. Create B2B Transaction

This endpoint allows you to create a business-to-business (B2B) transaction for billing purposes.

Request Headers

apiKey: Your API Key

Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters
MerchantID This identifies the Merchant making use of the Payment and Billing platform.
channel The channel through which the transaction is being processed.
resultUrl The URL to which the transaction result will be sent asynchronously.
destination The details of the destination account for the transaction.
shortCode The destination shortcode.
identifier The destination account number.
amount The amount of the transaction.
remarks Any remarks or notes for the transaction.

A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant. Build a string of concatenated values of the request fields. In this case, use the following order:

MerchantID + channel + shortCode + identifier + amount

Sample Signature generated from the above Concatenated String:


   Example Request:

   POST http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030/billing/v3/b2b/create HTTP/1.1
   Host:  {GatewayBaseURL}
   apiKey: {api-key}
   Content-Type: application/json
       "resultUrl": "",

   Sample Response

        "status": "Success",
        "status_code": "1100",
        "merchant_reference": "KYAAPI677833",
        "transactiontxt": "Request accepted for processing!"


For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.

Once the request has been posted, we shall send an IPN/Callback to the registered URL with the below format.


Vend Utility services through your Platform.


This API allows the disbursement of Pinless Airtime from your Payment Wallet to Mobile subscribers with the following networks.

  5. FAIBA
Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters

MerchantID This identifies the Merchant making use of the Payment and Billing platform.
phone Phone Number of the Recipient beginning with 07. Must be 10 Digits. Eg 0715330000
amount Amount that the recipient is expected to receive. ie 1500
productCode The package selected for FAIBA BUNDLES.Refer Faiba bundle packages below. ie DAILY_DATA_225MB
telco The channel the payment will be made from. It can either be the following: SAFARICOM, AIRTEL, EQUITEL, TELKOM, FAIBA, FAIBA_B
initiatorPhone This is the initiator’s Phone number attached along the transaction for record purposes.

A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant. Build a string of concatenated values of the request fields. In this case, use the following order:


Example Concatenated String:


The resulting string is then signed with the Security Key provided/generated upon registration.

Sample Signature generated from the above Concatenated String:


   Example Request:

   POST http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030/billing/v1/airtime/create HTTP/1.1
   Host:  {GatewayBaseURL}
   apiKey: {api-key}
   Content-Type: application/json
       "amount": "1500",
       "telco": "SAFARICOM",
       "initiatorPhone": "0715330000",

   Sample Response

       "status": "Success",
       "status_code": "0000",
       "merchant_reference": "KYAAPI677833",
       "transactiontxt": "Your request has been posted successfully!"


For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.

Once the request has been posted, we shall send an IPN/Callback to the registered URL

Bundle Validity price Product Code Autorenewal codes
100MB 1 day 10.00 DAILY_DATA_100MB DAILY_DATA_AUTO_100MB
225MB 1 day 20.00 DAILY_DATA_225MB DAILY_DATA_AUTO_225MB
1GB 1 day 50.00 DailyData1GB N/A
2.5GB 3 day 100.00 3_DAYS_DATA_2.5GB N/A
8GB 7 day 300.00 WeeklyData8GB N/A
15GB 10 days 500.00 10_DAY_DATA_15GB N/A
100GB 60 days 3,000.00 60_DAY_DATA_100GB 60_DAY_DATA_AUTO_100GB
140GB 60 days 4,000.00 60_DAY_DATA_140GB 60_DAY_DATA_AUTO_140GB
225GB 90 days 6,000.00 90_DAY_DATA_225GB 90_DAY_DATA_AUTO_225GB
Plan Minutes SMS Data (GB) Validity Price Product Code
Chui 300 100 5 30 days 500.00 CHUI_DATA_5GB
Kifaru 500 100 7 30 days 700.00 KIFARU_DATA_7GB
Ndovu 700 100 10 30 days 1,000.00 NDOVU_DATA_10GB
Simba 1,500 100 20 30 days 2,000.00 SIMBA_DATA_20GB


This API allows supports the following Service Providers:

  1. Kenya Power (Both Prepaid and Postpaid)
  2. Tv Subscriptions (DSTV, GOTV, ZUKU, STARTIMES)
  3. Water Service.
Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters
MerchantID This identifies the Merchant making use of the Payment and Billing platform.
account Account Number. Eg 0123456789
amount Amount that the recipient is expected to receive. ie 1500
telco The destination telco. The channels codes are attached below.
initiatorPhone This is the initiator’s Phone number attached along the transaction for record purposes.

A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant. Build a string of concatenated values of the request fields. In this case, use the following order:


Example Concatenated String:


The resulting string is then signed with the Security Key provided/generated upon registration.

Sample Signature generated from the above Concatenated String:


   Example Request:

   POST http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030/billing/v1/bill/create HTTP/1.1
   Host:  {GatewayBaseURL}
   apiKey: {api-key}
   Content-Type: application/json
        "amount": "1500",
        "telco": "DSTV",
        "initiatorPhone": "0715330000",

   Sample Response

        "status": "Success",
        "status_code": "0000",
        "transactionId": "KYAAPI677833",
        "transactiontxt": "Your request has been posted successfully!"


For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.

Once the request has been posted, we shall send an IPN/Callback to the registered URL


Tv Subscription GOTV | DSTV | ZUKU | STARTIMES
Water Service NAIROBI_WTR


This API allows the disbursement of Pin/voucher Airtime from your Payment Wallet to Mobile subscribers with the following networks.

Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters
MerchantID This identifies the Merchant making use of the Payment and Billing platform.
phone Phone Number of the Recipient beginning with 07. Must be 10 Digits. Eg 0715330000
amount Amount that the recipient is expected to receive. ie 1500
telco The destination telco. It can either be the following:SAFARICOM, AIRTEL, TELKOM
initiatorPhone This is the initiator’s Phone number attached along the transaction for record purposes.

A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant. Build a string of concatenated values of the request fields. In this case, use the following order:


Example Concatenated String:


The resulting string is then signed with the Security Key provided/generated upon registration.

Sample Signature generated from the above Concatenated String:


   Example Request:

   POST http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030/billing/v1/pin-airtime/create HTTP/1.1
   Host: : {GatewayBaseURL}
   apiKey: {api-key}
   Content-Type: application/json
      "amount": "1500",
      "telco": "SAFARICOM",
      "initiatorPhone": "0715330000",

   Sample Response Success

      "status": "Success",
       "status_code": "0000",
       "transactionId": "KYAAPI677833",
       "transactiontxt": "Your request has been posted successfully!"


For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.

Once the request has been posted, we shall send an IPN/Callback to the registered URL


This API enables you to send Bulk SMS messages, OTPs, and SMS services from your platform to mobile subscribers. It supports the following features:

  • Bulk SMS delivery to multiple recipients
  • One-Time Password (OTP) generation and delivery
  • Customizable SMS services

Integrate this API to seamlessly incorporate SMS functionalities into your application or service.

Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters
MerchantID This identifies the Merchant making use of the Payment and Billing platform.
phone Phone Number of the Recipient beginning with 07. Must be 10 Digits. Eg 0715330000
otp Auto-generated 4-digit code. Eg 4343

A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant. Build a string of concatenated values of the request fields. In this case, use the following order:


Example Concatenated String:


The resulting string is then signed with the Security Key provided/generated upon registration.

Sample Signature generated from the above Concatenated String:



i. Handling a session

Handling a ussd session made to your Kyanda service code is as easy as implementing a script on your web server that handles

A few things to note about USSD:

  • This USSD system operates on a session-based model. Each request we send will include a session ID, which will persist until the session is finished.
  • It's important to inform the Mobile Service Provider about the session's status.If the session is ongoing, please initiate your response with "CON." On the other hand, if this is the final response for the session, start your response with "END."
  • If our script returns an HTTP error response (status code 40X) or an improperly formatted response that doesn't start with "CON" or "END," we will gracefully terminate the USSD session.
  • To ensure smooth access to your USSD services, avoid using special characters in your USSD menu, as telecom companies may have difficulty rendering such content, potentially causing disruptions.

Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:

Body Parameters:

sessionId A unique value generated when the session starts and sent every time a mobile subscriber response has been received.
phoneNumber A unique value generated when the session starts and sent every time a mobile subscriber response has been received.
networkCode The telco of the phoneNumber interacting with your ussd application.
serviceCode This is the USSD code assigned to your application
text This shows the user input. It is an empty string in the first notification of a session. After that, it concatenates all the user input within the session with a * until the session ends.

   Example Callback URL Response:

	  "phoneNumber": "0715330000",
	  "text": "*30*30*1",

   Handling Session

   "if (text == '')"
	//this is the first request
	//Note for the first request the text string will always be blank.
	//Note how we start the response with CON
	  "response = `CON What would you like to check
	    1. My account
	    2. My phone number";
   }  "if (text == '*30*30*1')"{
	// Business logic for first level response
  	  "response = `CON Choose account information you want to view
	   1. Account number";

   } "if (text == '*30*30*2')"{
	// Business logic for first level response
    // This is a terminal request. Note how we start the response with END
	 "response = `END Your phone number is ${phoneNumber}";

   } "if (text == '*30*30*2')"{
	// This is a second level response where the user selected 1 in the first instance
	"const accountNumber = 'Kya234242'";
	// This is a terminal request. Note how we start the response with END
	" response" = "END Your account number is ${accountNumber}";

   // Echo the response back to the API
    " res.set('Content-Type: text/plain')";
    " res.send(response)";



For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.

Once the request has been posted, we shall send an IPN/Callback to the registered URL


A notification is information sent to your application whenever we need to let you know that something/change has occurred. For instance, when a payment has been initiated, the request is pending. Once the payment is fully executed, we immediately send you the details of the transaction as POST variables to the callback URL you set on your Application for a given product.

The Callback URL can be registered in two ways:

  1. Through API settings on the Kyanda Merchant Dashboard.
  2. Through the API endpoint.


Once the endpoint is registered, no further changes can be made using this endpoint. In case one needs the callback changed, engage our Support team for assistance.

Callback URL Registration.

This request enables the registration of the Callback URL

Request Parameters

In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:


MerchantID In addition to the Standard request headers, the body of the request should contain the following fields:
callbackURL HTTPS callback URL
signature A HMAC SHA-256 signature to proof that the request is coming from the Merchant. Build a string of concatenated values of the request fields with the following order: MerchantID The resulting string is then signed with the Key Provided upon registration.

   Example Request:

   POST http://sandbox.kyanda.io:3030/billing/v1/callback-url/create HTTP/1.1
   Host: : {GatewayBaseURL}
   apiKey: {api-key}
   Content-Type: application/json

   Sample Response

        "status": "Success",
        "status_code": "0000",
        "transactionId": "KYAAPI677833",
        "transactiontxt": "Callback Updated!"


For possible errors and solutions, refer to the Error section.

Once the request has been posted, we shall send an IPN/Callback to the registered URL

Once you receive the IPN, you will be expected to send back a JSON response that confirms that you have received the IPN. Ensure to respond with status 200 and the below JSON body.



Errors and Possible solutions

Standard Errors across the platform.

0000 Request processed sucessfully.
1100 Transaction created and pending processing.
1101 Invalid Merchant ID.
1102 Authentication failed.
1103 Forbidden access
1104 Signature Mismatch.
1105 Payment services unavailable.
1106 Airtime Service unavailable.
1107 Insufficient float balance.
1108 Missing parameter.
1109 Parameter validation error.
1201 Invalid Bank Code
5000 Unexpected error has occurred.
6001 Cannot register the URL
6002 Invalid URL format.
7001 Transaction not found.
8001 Invalid account number format.
8002 Invalid phone number format.
8003 Invalid Telco.
8004 Invalid amount format.
8005 Amount limit exceeded.
8006 Duplicate transmission.
9001 Invalid phone number format.
9002 Invalid transaction channel.
9003 Invalid amount format.
9004 Amount limit exceeded.
9005 Duplicate transmission